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IP Incentives in Turkey: KOSGEB

Writer's picture: Bahar ŞahinBahar Şahin

In recent years, the importance of intellectual property rights related to trademarks, patents, designs, and similar issues has begun to be understood. Numerous seminars and conferences on intellectual property were given and it was explained why protecting intellectual property rights is important for enterprises. However, in some cases, it may be difficult to cover some expenses for a newly established enterprise, and in some cases, when startups prioritize expenses, intellectual property rights can, unfortunately, fall into the last place. Coming to the good news, there are actually incentives for the protection of intellectual property! In this article, we have examined what the KOSGEB provides from the mentioned incentives.

The best result of the patent and the rights it brings maybe that it directs people to innovation. Upon registration, the inventor will have a monopoly on the invention for 20 years on inventions that exceed the inventive step according to Turkish IP Law, are new, and meet the requirements of industrial applicability. However, the processes of research, creation of the invention, and preparation of the application can be costly for some entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, the same challenging process will be valid for all industrial rights such as trademark registration, design, utility model, and so on. In order to solve this problem, KOSGEB has created an incentive program within the scope of entrepreneurship.

KOSGEB Traditional Entrepreneur Support Program

Within the scope of the KOSGEB Traditional Entrepreneur Support Program, according to the statement, it is aimed to "increase the share and efficiency of SMEs, increase their competitiveness and level, and realize the integration in the industry in accordance with economic developments in meeting the economic and social needs of the country". In this context, the documents to be received from TÜRKPATENT are supported by 80% and the upper limit of the support is determined as 50.000 TL. The application should be made to KOSGEB service center directorates. Detailed information can be found at this link!

KOSGEB SME Tech-Investment Support Program

In the SME Tech-Investment Support Program, different conditions are stipulated for different products.

The first of these groups, for investment project applications for products resulting from R&D activities, was issued at most 5 years ago.

  • Having a document showing the successful completion of R&D and innovation projects supported by KOSGEB and other public institutions and organizations, foundations established by law or international funds, or

  • With a patent or

  • The subject of a doctoral thesis or

  • Technological Product (TUR) Experience certificate or

  • Documented as a result of completed R&D activities in Domestic Technology Development Zones, or

  • Documented as a result of the R&D activities carried out in the Institutes of Public R&D Centers, or

  • Businesses that have products that have been documented as a result of the R&D activities carried out in the R&D Centers established within the scope of Law No. 5746 and that have completed the prototype work, or businesses that have taken over all kinds of usage rights indefinitely from the right holder with a notarized agreement can apply.

In the second group, for investment project applications for products that will contribute to the current account, it is essential to apply for the products included in the Product List to Contribute to the Current Account, which is determined within the framework of the product to be produced contributes to the current account and is in the field of medium-high and high technology.*

*We got the explanations regarding the KOSGEB SME TEKNOYATIRIM Support Program from the relevant web page of KOSGEB because we believed that it would be more beneficial to receive the same explanations as they are detailed!

KOSGEB R&D, P&D and Innovation Support Program

As in its name, the aim of the program is to support R&D, product development, and innovation, and the program started on 01.02.2021.

Within the scope of this program, many different supports are offered, including the Support for Industrial Property Rights Expenses. Although the upper limit of support for industrial property rights expenses is 100,000 TL, 75% support is provided.

Within the scope of benefiting from the program, there are conditions similar to the KOBI Tech-Investment Support Program and more groups of entrepreneurs can benefit from the support the scope of this program.


Sometimes, in addition to the moral support that already exists, financial incentives may be required to bring good ideas to life. You can find all the mentioned incentives on KOSGEB's website!

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